Here's Chapter 30! I told you it would be quick! (Okay, I told you it would come out in early April, but these are details)
So, a new character who joins our group, a welcomed return and a great classic.
Tell me what you think! And tell me who you'd like to see in the next chapter! (even though I'm already doing it, so it's too late!)
Exclamation marks! Exclamation marks!
Click on the image for the gallery, go to the comic section of the site for the download. Italian version available.
So, a new character who joins our group, a welcomed return and a great classic.
Tell me what you think! And tell me who you'd like to see in the next chapter! (even though I'm already doing it, so it's too late!)
Exclamation marks! Exclamation marks!
Click on the image for the gallery, go to the comic section of the site for the download. Italian version available.
Non fai più le versioni in Italiano?
RispondiEliminaCiao, certo che le faccio, solo non le posto più su ehentai.
EliminaTrovi tutti i download di tutti i fumetti in italiano, nella sezione comics / Main Series (
Cliccando sulla scritta rossa "QUI" trovi il link ad una cartella di mediafire con tutti i fumetti all'interno.
Grazie mille.... e quelli di Samantha?
EliminaSezione Comics / Samantha