Chapter 35 - Game Night


After many vicissitudes, I can pick up speed and post another chapter.

I would like to thank the old editor for all the help he gave me (and will give me in the future, if he has the time and the will), and the new editor for responding with such dedication to my request for assistance.

Regarding the new chapter, I know.
I know I had made a survey asking what to start working on, and among the options this wasn't even there.
I know I posted the first images of the chapter that won the poll (I've already rendered about sixty of them anyway).

And I know that, even though I told you I had changed programs, you probably didn't expect this.
But while I was rendering the former Chapter 35 (now 36), an idea for a short chapter started buzzing around in my head. And so I decided to make a full chapter (and not even too short), to justify the very existence of the short.

I hope it was worth it, and that you enjoy Chapter 35.

Let me know in the comments, for better or worse.  (Gallery in the link, download in the right section) 

Come al solito, versione italiana scaricabile dalla sezione download.

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