Characters - Lucia

Here we are with the card for the second female character.
Today it's Lucia's turn, the favorite of many readers.

The second character. After a tall, light-skinned, red-haired girl, I thought I'd add a character who was the exact opposite.
I found a Morph for V4 that looked so much like Halle Berry, and I couldn't resist the idea.
So it turned out to be a dark-skinned girl, short, very thin (almost everywhere), who soon met the good Angelo.
She's absolutely the most difficult character to use. Her tits (which I'm quite satisfied with) make it practically impossible for me to adapt any of the clothes I have on her, and their presence makes it very difficult for her to kiss any of the guys, and take up some positions.
But they too have remained unchanged since chapter 2, and will remain so.

You can read it HERE

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